
Outreach programs & activities provided by Next Gen Senior Center

Solanco Area Senior Center - Seniors Buddies Program with Smith Middle SchoolOVER 30 YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE

We take great joy and pride in being active members of our community. Our life experiences enable us to serve our community with insight and wisdom. We strive to close “generation gaps” through various outreach programs among intergenerational groups. Hence our center is the “hub” from which programs and activities reach out and touch the lives of many people of all ages.

Here’s just a few of our Outreach Programs and Activities

    • Collecting Food for the food Bank
    • Knitting Hats for Casey’s Cuddly Hats
    • Seniors Buddies Program with Smith Middle School


This only a Glimpse of our activities and programs! There’s entertainment, music and trips! Free health screenings,wellness and exercise classes, plus educational programs and services that help seniors enhance their dignity and independence as they strive to remain an active and vital force within their families and communities. There is something for everyone!

Fundraising & donations

Fundraisers are held throughout the year. These events are important to the daily operations of the Center, plus also provide the monies needed for educational, fitness and musical programs.

You can help by making a monetary donation to Next Gen Services Inc. or you could donate your time and provide an educational, music or art program. Please call us to find out how you can help.

Next Gen Services Inc.
184 South Lime Street
Quarryville, Pa. 17566
Phone: (717) 786-4770